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The needs in Haiti remain enormous.  Yet I find that one person reaching out to help one person begins a life chain of hope that makes a world of difference.  A small team can produce mighty fruit.  A seemingly small act can open the door for massive healing, relief, and progress.
Thank you for reaching out to offer life through your gifts and prayers for Haiti through my trip there.  And please know that your individual contribution has made a big impact.
As the Haiti crisis begins to move to the back burner in the news
headlines, I fear that people will forget the magnitude of need and the
amount of suffering that remains.  At AIM we plan to stay involved for the long haul.  I hope that you will continue to consider your response to the ongoing need- some will pray, some will give, and some will go.  Please join us and please spread the word of the opportunity  to stay involved through AIM.



3 responses to “Haiti: Helping One By One”

  1. Great reminder! As Heidi Baker says: “Just love the one in front of you…just love the one!” If everyone did that in their lives, this world would transform!

  2. Thanks so much for the updates, Marcia, and for giving of yourself to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the precious people of Haiti!