
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


    We first met Boy-Boy in 2005.  He had been one of the treasures that stole the hearts of Josiah and Meredith on their first Real Life team in Swazi.  His story and his smile captivated us all. Not that his story is so different than many others.  Or his smile.  But God engraved Boy-Boy’s face on our hearts and we have a special bond.  Each time we’ve returned to Swazi we wonder where he will be and if we will find him at the carepoint or not.  Each time the Lord has brought us back together and Boy-Boy has remembered us and we’ve shared some fun, crazy, loving times. 
     Yesterday we spent the day at the carepoint for the first time, and sure enough through the afternoon heat Boy-Boy made his way into our hearts again!
      On the outside he is a mess from head to toe.  He is the one hitting or biting or throwing a rock and then running to hide behind me just as the gogo comes looking for him because someone is crying or hurt.  He has been found wandering near the highway late at night more than once.  He is usually on the “outside” of the group of boys around him.  He is a loner. 
      On the inside he is a child with hidden pain and a desire to be noticed and loved.  His situation seems desperate and even on the edge of hopeless yet I know that there is no person and no situation that’s out of the reach of my loving God.  Musa is a Swazi discipler who loves on the kids at this carepoint every week, has a big belief in prayer, and knows Boy-Boy well.  Yesterday he said, “By the love of God and by His favor Boy-Boy will be reached.”
     Please pray with us for some good times hanging out with Boy-Boy while we’re here.  Pray that he will truly know the love of God and that his heart would become God’s home.
“God makes a home for the lonely…”   Psalm 68:6
Boy-Boy 2007